
coral reef 珊瑚礁。

coral sea

Subjects include : antarctica , electricity , climate change , el nino , coral reefs and the ozone hole -介紹該組織,提供旅游認證評估體系和標準等資料下載。

Avoid eating big coral reef fish ; the bigger the fish , the higher the risk of ciguatera poisoning I .避免食用大珊瑚魚愈大的魚含雪卡毒素的風險愈高。

Tropical islands and coasts with coral reefs also attract large numbers of tourists every year 熱帶島嶼和沿海的珊瑚礁,也吸引了大批游客,每年都有。

Avoid consuming large coral reef fish ; the bigger the fish , the higher the risk of ciguatera poisoning 避免進食大珊瑚魚魚的體積越大,風險越高

Most coral reefs are in the tropics because natural conditions there are perfect 大部分的珊瑚礁生長在熱帶地區,因為那里的自然條件最理想。

The great barrier reef , off the coast of australia , is the world ' s largest coral reef 位于澳大利亞沿岸的“大堡礁”是世界最大的珊瑚礁。

From the dazzling coral reefs of the bahamas to the wind - swept seas of patagonia , 由陽光燦爛的巴哈馬珊瑚礁至風急浪高的巴塔哥尼亞海域,

Extensive coral reefs have been destroyed by use of explosives and poisons to catch fish 利用炸藥和山埃捕魚,摧毀大面積的珊瑚礁。

Coral reef fish play importance roles to maintain the health of coral reef ecosystem 珊瑚魚對珊瑚礁生態系統有很重要的作用。

Do not consume coral reef fish together with alcoholic beverages and nuts , and , 進食珊瑚魚時,勿同時喝含酒精飲品和吃花生及

They are found in seagrass , rubble - strewn sand bottom , and coral reef 海膽的管足比較長,用來爬行、呼吸、排泄及感應環境。

Rocky reef or coral reef 巖礁或珊瑚礁

Coral reef etiquette 游覽珊瑚礁的禮儀

Coral reef and estuaries 珊瑚礁及河口

Estuaries , mangrove , swamps , coral reef , rocky reef and sandy or muddy bottom 河口紅樹林沼澤珊瑚礁巖礁沙質或泥狀海底

And hainan ' s mangrove , rich coral reef are also well - known attractions 此外,海南的紅樹林,豐富的珊瑚礁也是著名的景色。

Underwater signs along this 225 - yard trail identify coral reef life 全長兩百二十五碼,沿途有海底告示牌介紹珊瑚礁生態。

Coral reef or seagrass bed 珊瑚礁或海草床

Eating less coral reef fish , especially fish weighing over three catties 減少進食珊瑚魚,特別是體重超過三斤的魚;